#countdown to
International Railway Safety Council 2024
17 - 21 September 2024
The world's largest conference on railway safety
hosted by

Cancellation by the organizer
In the event of cancellation by the organizer, any participation fees already paid will be refunded to the participants. Any additional amounts for travel and accommodation will not be refunded.
Cancellation by the participant
In the event of cancellation by the participant, the following cancellation rates shall apply:
15% cancellation fee will be charged in case of cancellation until June 30, 2024
45% cancellation fee will be charged in case of cancellation until September 01, 2024
90% cancellation fee will be charged in case of cancellation until September 15, 2024
100% cancellation fee will be charged in case of cancellation after September 16, 2024 or in case of no-show.
If participation is not possible, you have the option of naming a substitute.
In this case, we reserve the right to charge a processing fee of EUR 50.00 (excl. VAT).
Timely cancellations must be made in writing to Conventive Kongressagentur GmbH via e-Mail office@conventive.at
Room reservation / hotel booking
The official conference website provides delegates with booking options in nearby hotels to the conference venue of various categories. Room reservations are made in the delegate's own name and at delegate's own risk. Room availability in the hotels mentioned cannot be guaranteed.
Changes of the scientific programme
Short-term changes to the programme may be necessary due to business, private and organizational matters and will be announced on the conference website. No recourse claims can be derived from this.
Amendment of event format
In case this event will need to be converted into a hybrid (physical/virtual) or a 100% virtual event because of governmental restrictions and limitations of international mobility, you will get informed. Registration fees will stay the same and any preceding (paid) registration will stay valid, but there will be no onsite registration.
Responsibility for content, data and/or information provided by users
The organizer accepts no responsibility for the content, data and/or information provided by users of the platform or for content on linked external websites. The user is solely responsible for the content posted by the user.
Personal data
The participant agrees that the personal data provided by him/her may be processed for the following purposes:
Registration for congresses / events
Travel and hotel organization
Documentation / submission to the certifying bodies
The organizer undertakes to comply with the statutory provisions of the General Data Protection
Regulation when processing personal data
Claims for damages
Conventive Kongressagentur GmbH shall only be liable for damages within the scope of the statutory provisions if the participant can prove intent or gross negligence. Liability for slight negligence is excluded.
Claims for damages by the customer, in particular due to delay, impossibility of performance, positive breach of contract, culpa in contrahendo, defective or incomplete performance, consequential damages or tortious acts are excluded, unless they are based on intent or gross negligence on the part of Conventive Kongressagentur GmbH.
Due date and payment
Invoices from Conventive Kongressagentur GmbH are due net cash without any deductions from the invoice date and must be paid within the period stated on the invoice. In the case of short-term registration - within 14 days before the start of the event - the invoice is due immediately and must be paid immediately upon receipt of the invoice. In the event of late payment, the statutory default interest shall be deemed to have been agreed.
Applicable law
The legal relationship between the customer and Conventive Kongressagentur GmbH shall be governed exclusively by Austrian law, to the exclusion of international conflict of law rules. The provisions of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply.
Place of fulfillment and jurisdiction
The place of performance is the registered office of Conventive Kongressagentur GmbH.
The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising directly between Conventive Kongressagentur GmbH and the customer shall be the Austrian court with local and subject-matter jurisdiction for the registered office of Conventive Kongressagentur GmbH.